Download the full script here |
# Author: Adamo Ferro
# Version: 1.0 (January 27, 2016)
# This script allows the modification of network IP address/netmask
# and the global default gateway of a MOXA EDS-405A/408A switch.
# The script automatically enters the menus of the MOXA telnet
# interface, and writes the new parameters moving between the
# form fields.
# Usage:
# ./moxa-eds405a-408a-change-network-address
# Requirements:
# - Linux machine and shell utility "expect"
# "expect" can be easily installed on Ubuntu/Debian systems using:
# sudo apt-get install expect
# - give execution rights to the script
# (e.g. chmod a+x moxa-eds405a-408a-change-network-address)
# - IMPORTANT: after changing the network parameters it is possible
# that the switch becomes unreachable.
# Modifications you may need:
# - depending on the speed of your network, you may need to tune
# differently the timeout and sleep times
# ************** BEGINNING OF THE SCRIPT **************
# current IP address
set ip_address_old [lindex $argv 0]
# new network parameters
set ip_address [lindex $argv 1]
set netmask [lindex $argv 2]
set default_gateway [lindex $argv 3]
# password
set password [lindex $argv 4]
# tune to the slowest operation
set timeout 2
# connect via telnet to current IP
spawn telnet $ip_address_old
# expect password request
expect ": 1" {
send "\n"
expect "Password :" {
# send "down arrow" and password
send "\033\[B"
send "$password\n"
# select the first option of the menu: "Basic Settings"
expect "select. -"
send "\n"
# select the "Network" tab
expect "Basic Settings"
send "n\n"
# select the first option: "IPSettings"
expect "Neighbor Cache"
send "\n"
# fill network parameters fields
expect "Link-Local Address"
send "\033\[B"
send "$ip_address "
send "\033\[B"
send "$netmask "
send "\033\[B"
send "$default_gateway "
# exit (with ESC) and confirm modifications
send "\033"
expect "Neighbor Cache"
send "\033"
expect "(Y/N)"
send "y"
expect "(Y/N)"
send "y"
sleep 1
# ----- CONNECTION IS LOST -----
Download the full script here |